101 Of My Favourite Things

Jun 26, 2011 04:01

Twenty minutes ago, I spent some time with Seeker (the pet dog of the kids I babysit) because they're gone for the whole day and needed me to let him outside at one point... and my heart is still breaking from leaving the poor little guy :o( I guess it was pretty cool to see Sue G (our neighbour) for the first time in ages, but I still feel really guilty for leaving the dog all alone. He's such a sweet puppy.

So, here's a list of 101 of my favourite things (to try to cheer myself up). Aaah. I really hope any number of you, even one of you, decides to make this list for yourself as well - it's so much fun to read your own quiz / survey / meme answers, and gain inspiration from each of you...

1.       Nicknames. I love to give them and I love to get them!

2.       Cream puffs.

3.       Hands.

4.       Teddy bear-bottle honey.

5.       Emily Dickinson.

6.       Listening to the radio!!

7.       Wicker baskets.

8.       Being called an ‘engineer’ by Kelsey :)

9.       An apology being accepted…

10.   Antiques!

11.   Not being taken for granted.

12.   White-and-yellow daisy sheets.

13.   The Marauders.

14.   Sand.

15.   Paperclips.

16.   Things that aren’t delicate, expensive or breakable (I always feel like I’m going to accidentally break them somehow).

17.   Saunas.

18.   Pianos.

19.   Giving people presents!

20.   The Pettit Project / Love You To Death

21.   Finally being able to understand something that I’ve been working on understanding for AGES!

22.   People’s voices when there is helium involved, just as a whole.

23.   Zip-up sweaters.

24.   The little decoration on my phone that Destiny bought me.

25.   Filling out surveys!! :P

26.   Feeling passionately about something.

27.   My pink dress. (Dresses in general).

28.   Nature.

29.   Din, lol.

30.   Secret passageways / compartments.

31.   The THIS STAR WON’T GO OUT Foundation. (I’m dead serious. Rest in Awesome, Esther).

32.   By association, Youtube.

33.   CJ’s.

34.   Valetonia.

35.   Inside jokes.

36.   The feeling that a compliment gives you.

37.   Oscar Wilde.

38.   Oh Henry! Bars.

39.   Ferris wheels.

40.   Heated pools.

41.   Ghost stories.

42.   Red curry.

43.   5AwesomeGirls.

44.   Goat cheese!

45.   Chips and dip…

46.   Boots, of course…

47.   Braids.

48.   Cowboy hats.

49.   Australiaaa!

50.   Bonfires.

51.   Top 10 Lists.

52.   Always having a list of books to read, so that I can always turn to a new one for a new distraction.

53.   Feeling confident.

54.   Being called “Palmtop”. (Kelsey got me into the anime Toradora by saying that I’m like Taiga, which is why (aside from my inherent shortness) she began to call me “Palmtop”. Ironically, my favourite character turned out to be Ami, followed by Taiga).

55.   Writing poetry.

56.   Empty notebooks (yay, potential! Yaay :D)

57.   South Street Burger Co. burgers with goat cheese, hot peppers, ketchup, mustard, onions and pickles.

58.   Chinese food!

59.   Graveyards.

60.   Being outside at night in the summertime.

61.   InuYasha images (the random drawings that accompany the show and manga).

62.   Low, smoky, alto female voices.

63.   Walking out by the Pier. (Also at night :D)

64.   Caramel lattes.

65.   That look on someone’s face before they kiss someone else.

66.   Reading in front of a fire.

67.   Being held in someone’s arms for a long time.

68.   Lockets.

69.   Shirts with a leaf or rose-with-thorns print on them.

70.   Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror by Chris Priestly!

71.   The priceless look on Jared Padelecki’s face when they mention Gilmore Girls on Supernatural. (I don’t even watch the show - Kelsey thought it was so funny that she sent a clip of it to me!)

72.   I! HATE! EVERY-THING ABOUT YOU! WHY! DO! I LOOVE YOU? Larissa: “Because I’m lame and desperate!”

73.   The big smile someone gets on their face after they are given a compliment.

74.   The Nero Wolfe mysteries.

75.   Lying on top of a body pillow.

76.   Being able to open up to someone emotionally.

77.   Human rights.

78.   My Grandpa!! (R.I.P / R.I.A.)

79.   Analysing characters in movies, books, etc. and their relationships with other characters.

80.   Hair combs.

81.   Not allowing anybody - negative emotions, people, etc. - control or define me.

82.   The fact that, while people’s strength and courage doesn’t always show, it is there.

83.   The days when you wake up super-early (like, before sunrise) and spend the whole day focusing on something productive (like spirituality, or a new project!)

84.   Banter.

85.   Looking through old floppy-disk story ideas…

86.   Weheartit.

87.   Blogging. (Obviously! Lol!)

88.   Old buildings.

89.   Sunglasses.

90.   Long t-shirts as opposed to P.J.s

91.   Interesting people.

92.   Long car rides (to places far, far away).

93.   Supporting people.

94.   Stained glass windows.

95.   Things that make your voice echo when you speak or call out.

96.   Black-ink gel pens.

97.   Tape.

98.   Going for long walks outside.

99.   Lying in bed with my heart full of happy things… not thinking about anything sad, angry or scary, just the good things in life that make me light up and smile.

100.                        Having a full-out conversation with someone without accidentally insulting them in some way.

101.                        The white puffy things that float around in the air in the late spring / early summer.

Ahhh - that didn't work as well as I wanted...  I think I'll go listen to Lianeandthemusic, or read Emma for a while... I mean, Mr. Knightley, looking up words in my dictionary AND Jane Austen? Hurrah :o)

ama-mals, things to be thankful for, look up in the face of danger, stuff, books, survey, guilt, you will find beauty, inspiration, awesome and happy things, people

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