Mar 30, 2006 12:26
oh what a beautiful day!
nothing can drag me down on a day like this.. and i say nothing with a lot of leniency. as, of course, pretty much a million things could drag me down. but im willing to overlook the possibility of that, because its so sunny.
i made myself a tall glass of icewater
went outside
and painted my nails.
then, while they were drying i put my head back and basked in the warmth of the sun beating down on my face
cliff came and swished his furry tail through my wet toenails
and i swore a little bit, swatted him away
but i got over it in record time!
why? well, because of the blue sky and the pleasant converse of cold breeze wiping away hot sun of course.
i have a headache.. kind of a dull ache, like it could be the lack of caffeine that ive had today.
so i took two tylenols.. at the same time! ha ha. impressive, its true.
i wish the sister could come home.
and be with me on these warms days
i would ditch school and we could walk around in the woods
and look for all the little time capsules
like we do every year
in hopes that this year is the lucky year! we will find at least one!
we were a good pair
nay, we are a good pair
hobbes ate all the easter candy that mum had purchased and hidden
last year, we didnt do the whole basket thing
because we were all broke
and overly fatty fat fat
but this year, we said to hell with the federal government and our fat asses
and the candy was the best chocolate ever.. coconut, sponge, butter brickle.
things i havent had in ages upon ages
and hobbes
the damn scoundrel
located them and DESTROYED everything, even the smallest notion of a crumb
so he will probably be sick
and i said, well good. maybe he deserves to be sick.
but the truth is, deep down, i really hope he'll be ok.. because dogs dont always understand things.