Why Outer Space Sucks

Jun 08, 2008 15:44

There were things about outer space, Kyle Rayner thought to himself, that truly and genuinely sucked.

It was cold, and dark, and vast. Generally when he was out in it, he was away from his smokin' hot girlfriend. And possibly worse than that, no Hostess Fruit Pies.

And then there were some of the headaches with being a Green Lantern in general. Sure you got recognized as a general 'good guy' wherever you went, and the Power Ring was one of the greatest toys in the universe, but you had to do a lot of embarrassing jobs. He was currently streaking away from the planet where the latest embarrassing call to his ring had gone through. It turned out that the alleged distress signal by a potentate's daughter, claiming she was about to be assassinated, was a ploy by the stupid brat to clear away the crowds at the local bazaar so she could get a limited edition collector's item of some sort.

Such a shame that when Kyle had sneezed, totally by accident, the ring had left a permanent coat of paint over the item. There might be some fallout over that.

For now though, he was headed home.

If he made good time, he could probably get there in less than a week.

green lantern kyle rayner, "sinestro corps war"

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