Mar 13, 2010 11:10
//Warning. Ring incapacitated.//
Hal feels the plasma burning at his skin... at his soul. His shields are virtually gone now.
//Warning. Ring incapacitated.//
He's weak. He can barely hold his shields together. Space is starting to wear away at his shields. He's barely breathing. The cold of space is beginning to leech out all his heat.
//Power corrupted. Power levels unknown.//
And as he floats through space, past the remains of dead and dying Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corps members, and even a few dead Red Lanterns... all he can think of... is how much he hates them for doing this.
green lantern hal jordan,
blue lantern hugh fulbright,
green lantern jade,
"rage of the red lanterns",
green lantern sodam yat,
blue lantern saint-walker,
green lantern kyle rayner,
"war of light",
green lantern corps,
det. romy chandler,
green lantern john stewart,
green lantern kilowog,
carol ferris,
green lantern arisia