(no subject)

Mar 14, 2010 16:40

The conversation with Gar sure did not help matters. Now, she'll be late, part because she is taking the BART and her bike instead of the Tesla or even discreetly flying there.

What does he expect me to do? Put the last bit of Aurora up for the chopping block?

Honestly, anything resembling caped heroism can take a flying leap off the Golden Gate right now. She hates it all right now - the secrecy, the lies, the pretending everything's okay when it's not. She hates what it's cost her, hates the fact she can't think of herself as completely human any more, hates that she's become...

Fauna was the best she could do with a crappy situation, of trying to turn around and face the death that was coming for her and should have come to her a long time ago. It was a way to make sure no one else had to be afraid of speaking out against the powerful and dealing with the fact she survived and others didn't. It was never supposed to be the biggest part of her life.

Well, Gar was right on one front - she really shouldn't be the one doing this. If it wasn't Claire calling, she would have contacted someone else from CorpWatch (what LexWatch expanded into after Luthor resigned) to handle the transfer. She has zero credibility. She's seen people get complacent about politics and about social justice, figuring the "capes" would handle it...or that anything they tried would be halted by the same "capes." Not to mention that when companies are run by the likes of Lex Luthor and Dr. Silvana that investigating their business becomes life-threatening.

The motel is one of those that charges "hourly" rates - a fleabag dump in a nasty part of Oakland. There's the faint sound of gunfire in the air, and she has to step around broken glass.

Get in, grab, get out. Leak to the press first thing in the morning and hope like hell nothing goes wrong.

"filthy lucre", fauna

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