New Chapter!

Jun 06, 2006 03:01

Title: Boys Don’t Like Girls, Boys Like Cars and Money
Author: Me
Paring: Young! Billie/Mike maybe some Billie/Adie
Disclaimer: Don’t own. Dru does though!
Warnings: Cross Dressing…

Chapter Four

Billie sat on his couch, painting his nails black, while his hair was drying. He had been waiting for Adrienne to get there for an hour now. What could be keeping her? he asked himself. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

“Just a minute!” Billie yelled, having to finish his pinky finger-nail. “Coming.” He yelled after he was finished.

He walked to the door and opened it, revealing a flushed Adrienne. He let her in and she crashed on the couch, letting the dress fall down beside her. Billie walked over and picked it up. It was a small black leather dress, with spaghetti straps. He knew the dress would only come down to his knees. Adrienne threw a small black leather purse at him, which he quickly opened, finding red fishnet gloves, that he knew would come up to his elbows.

“Shoes…Floor… There.” Adrienne pointed, out of breath, then dropped her arm back down onto the couch.

Billie ran over, picking up the shoes. “These are fucking PUMPS! How am I gonna wear these Adie?” Billie asked almost shrieking.

“Owww! Shut it Joe! Just WEAR them, you’ll be fine.” She said. “Now come on, we got to get you dressed and some makeup on you.” She said standing up and pulling Billie up the stairs and into his bedroom.

She threw the dress at him, then turned her back. “Oh wait!” She said then pulled something small and frilly out of her pants pocket. “Wear these too.” She said giggling. Then she threw it at Billie.

Billie unfolded what he had in his hand. “Adie… Please tell me these aren’t yours.” Billie said mono-tone.

“Ewww Joe! No, I bought them for you. Just on the way, that’s what took so long.” She said disgusted.

“Oh… Wait, Adie these are fucking THONGS!” Billie shrieked again.

“So? You can’t have a panty line with that dress.” Adie said, and Billie KNEW she was smiling.

Billie stripped off his tee-shirt and boxers that he had been wearing when Adrienne came, then slowly pulled on the offending thong. “Eeee, owe. Yesh.” Billie muttered. Finally he got it all the way on, then started trying to find his bra. “OH shit!” Billie said.

“What?” Adrienne asked.

“I can’t find my bra.” Billie said. “I need help! It’s almost six thirty!” Billie was freaking out now.

Adrienne turned around and burst out laughing when she saw Billie in the thong. “Nice ass Armstrong!” She catcalled, then walked over helping him look for the bra.

After looking for five minutes they finally gave up. “I need a bra.” Billie stated mono-tone.

“Here.” Adrienne said, then reached her hands behind her back and under her shirt. Two seconds later she had her bra off and it was in Billie’s hands.

“How the fuck did you do that?” Billie asked.

“Magic. Now get ready he’ll be here soon.” She said, then slapped Billie on the ass.

Billie quickly put the bra on, then stuffed it with tissue. He then slowly pulled on the dress, up and over his bra carefully. Adrienne zipped the dress up, then sat him down on the bed, and knelt down in front of him. “Hold still.” She said as she got makeup out of her bag.

Five minutes later Billie had his fishnet gloves on and his pumps to match. His hair was pulled into a perfect ponytail. His eyeliner was shaped messily around his emerald eyes, and his bright red lipstick was perfectly glossy.

“How do I look?” Billie asked, smiling at Adrienne.

“Wonderful.” She said, the doorbell rung. “Just ONE more thing.” She finished handing Billie the purse she had brought all the makeup in. “Just in case.” Then she went to the door.

She opened it slowly. “Is Billie ready?” Mike asked.
Sorry it took so long. I'll have more up shortly, I hope!

slash, green day, bdlgblcam

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