Princess By Dawn

Jun 14, 2006 02:44

Title: Princess By Dawn
Author: Me
Pairing: Christie/Tre (later) Billie/Mike
Rating: PG-13 for later chapters most likely
Disclaimer: Don’t own.
Notes: There is transgender wanna-be type stuff in this. AND I got the idea *kinda* from Billie Jo, Dru’s fic. It’s not much like it though.
Deds: To Dru, for the idea forming that I wanted to write a Transgender fic, and to Ash for being my muse for the story line.

flashbacks are in italics

Chapter 1

“Billie, you know everyone’s gonna know it’s you right?” A young Tre Cool asked, sitting by his best friend in front of a mirror.

“I don’t answer to Billie and you know that.” The boy replied, applying a thin coat of lip gloss to his full, pink lips.

Tre sighs watching Billie intently in the mirror. “Sorry… Christie.” Tre mutters under his breath. He looks down momentarily, then looks back up to see Billie grinning at himself.

“There! I look perfect! Ready to be my boyfriend Mr. Cool?” Billie asked batting his eyelashes at Tre.

Tre rolled his eyes then stood up throwing his backpack over his shoulder. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on… Christie.” Tre said taking Billie’s hand.

Tre sat, hitting his head with his own hand. “Stupid fucking moron!” He muttered over and over.

“They just don’t know you Tre… They don’t know you like I know you.” Billie said leaning his head on his best friends shoulder.

“BUT I’M NOT GAY!” Tre yelled. “They all think I’m gay, but I’m not! I need to show them all but no girl will date me now..” Tre trailed off. “I mean… not that there’s anything wrong with being gay.” He gave Billie a sorry smile.

“It’s okay, I know what you mean.” Billie said linking his own small hand with Tre’s.

Tre looked at their interlocked hands. “Your hands are so much smaller than mine. Almost like a girl.” Tre muttered, then laughed. “Wait. ALMOST LIKE A GIRL! That’s it!”

“What’s it? I’m not it, what’s it Tre? Why do you have that look in your eyes?” Billie paused. “Oh fuck no Tre! I don’t wanna be your girlfriend!” Billie almost yelled, jerking his hand from Tre’s.

“You’re already gonna go back to school as a girl, so what does it matter?” Tre asked, giving Billie his best set of puppy dog eyes.

“I want an ACTUAL boyfriend Cool! Not you.” Billie said. He looked back at Tre. “Oh fine, but just for a little while, until they all know you’re straight. Okay? Then we break up.” Billie said.

“Okay, that’ll work.” Tre said smiling.

“Good. But one problem…” He trailed off standing up and pulling Tre up with him. “I haven’t picked out a name yet.” He said as they started walking.

Both boys looked up at the road sign at the same second. “CHRISTIE!” Billie yelled, jumping into Tre’s arms.”

Tre and Christie walked up the block to their school. They walked through the gates hand in hand, Christie smiling like there’s no tomorrow. She smoothed out her skirt and kissed Tre on the cheek as they entered the school building. “Tenth grade and Imma girl.” Christie said sighing, and fidgeting with her purse for the millionth time.

“You wanted to be a girl Joe.” Tre said removing his hand from Christie’s and running his hand through his green hair, sighing.

Christie kicked him in the shin, and then leaned in whispering, teeth clenched, in his ear. “My name is NOT Joe. It’s Christie. Remember that, or no deal.” Christie said stepping back and smoothing out her skirt again, smiling like nothing happened.

“Yes mam.” Tre said leaning down and rubbing his leg. “Owe that hurt Chris.”

“Sorry babe.” Christie said, taking on her role as girlfriend.

Tre started giggling. “Dude, I can SO see up your skirt right now.” Christie put a pump-clad-foot to Tre’s chest and pushed, hard. Tre stumbled back, out of breath, coughing. “Bitch.” He muttered.

Christie shot him an evil glare. “I’m not a slut. Have I given it up yet? I don’t think so Mr. Cool.” Christie said crossing her arms.

“That’s because I don’t want any.” Tre said standing up and rubbing his chest.

Christie raised an eyebrow. “And you wonder why people think you’re gay?” Then she turned on her heel, flipped her chestnut brown locks, and walked off.
I hope the whole calling Billie "her" and "christie" wasn't too hard to understand..
soooo what'd ya think?
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