Feb 07, 2008 14:42
Note: I cross posted this from AVEN (asexuality.org)with a few changes
So, my mom knows I'm asexual now. She watched the Montel Williams show, which I was actually saving for her. I was hoping she would find it eventually and she did today. I had heard her watching it in the other room and I knew soon as she was finished watching it she was going to come talk to me about it.
I was a little afraid though because it seemed like (from what I heard) she was agreeing with the sex therapist (who I thought was off her rocker). So, she came to me telling me how interesting it was. Her initial thought was that there must be something wrong with the people on the show, like maybe a medical problem or their hormones are off or something.
I tried to explain to her that wasn't really the case. Then after a little discussion with her trying to explain, she asked me if I was that way, and I said yes. Then we did a little more discussing.
The conclusion is that she still doesn't quite get the idea of how people can be asexual because she sees sex as being a "normal" thing, but she understands that people can be that way. She says it's ok, people can go through life without sex. That's fine. That is the reaction I was hoping for. I was kind of hoping she would be able to "get it" too, but I guess that's just too much to ask.
She also brought up the idea that Grammy is probably asexual. She probably just had sex to have kids and that was it. I think that's probably true.
Afterwards she told my brother I was asexual, and he thought it meant you're in love with yourself. Shocked Then he thought it referred to asexual reproduction, lol.
My mom is probably going to tell everyone she runs into now as she is wont to do, but whatever I don't care.
So, I guess that means I'm officially "out" now.
coming out