Feb 06, 2008 16:20
Apparently a lot of people were complaining yesterday because of glitches with their ballots. My mom got her ballot and it incorrectly said she was registered as Republican rather than Democrat. So, she wasn't allowed to vote for Democrat. Now is it really considered a fair count of votes because of these glitches? I think not. My own ballot was fine. I'm registered as non-partisan. Grammy said she was glad of my independence. Still another flaw I see is with voting in primaries. You can only vote for the party you registered with, or in my case only Democrat or Independent. Why is that? Why can't you vote for whoever you want just like in the general election?
I had a dream this morning I was in a classroom and Bob Barker was teaching the class. Only I realized I was back in time to like the 60s or 70s. He was teaching the class about time travel. I thought about giving myself away that I was from the future, but I didn't. He was talking about paradoxes and I raised my hand. Bob picked me and I said "Do you believe it's possible that paradoxes might not exist?" He agreed with me, and that's about all I can remember. :P