More Cat Pictures

Jul 09, 2019 23:53

Woke up at a reasonable hour for once. Got into work a little early.

Mimi has taken over Zara's favorite spot. I hate it when she does that. (I didn't intend to make her look like Devil Cat though.)

Zara had her place back when I went home for dinner. Nonstop Kitty Drama at my, oops, our place.

Things are piling up at work, but I kind of like that.

I picked up Armistead Maupin's memoirs from the library. He's the author of the Tales of the City series. Looking forward to reading it. It's called Logical Family, the idea being that we can't choose our family of origin, but can choose people to make up your logical family.

I had spaghetti that has been in the refrigerator for a while, but was still good. I think. If I suddenly drop off of Live Journal, you'll know what happened.

I'm looking at 55+ communities in Florida again. I'd rather live on the West Coast or in Maryland, but Florida is cheap to live in. It's my Plan B.
x-posted from Dreamwidth
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