Zara Lump

Jul 09, 2019 00:38

Overslept, but I figured that I would. Already had to break up a kitty squabble, sigh.

Decided to come home for dinner to do some things around here.

I had boxes of papers on a breakfast nook counter. I got rid of some of the boxes, and Zara loves lying up there and dozing. Today, I found her in a basket that I use to collect mail. I asked her if I should file her under C for cat. The lump is Zara.

Back at work. Plowed through my e-mail and got caught up.

Requested some library books on blogging.

Made my asparagus and zucchini noodles in cashew carrot sauce. It's pretty good.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, books, food, cooking, work, blog

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