Snow! Oh, No!

Apr 14, 2019 23:39

Woke up before my alarm at 9:30 AM.

OMG, it's snowing. In the middle of April. I'm not going to the storage place today unless it stops.

Fed the girls and myself. I think that I'm going to lie down for a while instead of unpacking boxes. It's a good day for hibernation.

I'm completely out of one of my meds. Apparently my doctor called in the refills, and the prescription is ready now. I need to stop by Walgreens on the way in.

Napped. Overslept, but I didn't take my extra hour off last week and didn't take time for my conference call, so it's okay.

Picked up the prescription. I guess the time to pick one up is on early Sunday afternoon in really crappy weather; I didn't have to wait.

Mimi was lying on the heat vent when I came home for dinner. Smart kitty.

Home again after going back to work to get my phone, only to find that it was in a different pocket of my purse that the one in which I usually put it.

Fed the girls and myself. Need to go sleep soon because the guys are coming to fix my dryer (again), and of course, they didn't tell me a time. x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, aargh, weather, mimi

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