Teaching and Learning

Apr 16, 2019 23:32

I looked more into the peak hours for VIPKid. The likelihood of my teaching at 5 AM during the week is slim to none, but I could teach on Friday and Saturday nights (Saturday and Sunday during the day in Beijing).

Woke up slightly before my alarm at 10 AM. The girls are peacefully hanging out while I get my act together. Mimi is showing me her big belly. Mimi also keeps jumping on my chair as soon as I stand up.

Zara and Mimi are dozing on the other half of the mobile home from where I am (the office and TV room, respectively). I guess that they don't want to be disturbed.

Oregon State U requires a class in public speaking as a prerequisite, so I'm going to take one at Heartland this summer. It's in Lincoln, so I won't have to drive far. I've requested an informal transcript from the University of Illinois to see if my English Composition credit will transfer to OSU. If I take Computer Science classes in the Fall, they will not transfer to OSU. I'm trying to decide whether to take the Computer Science classes at Heartland and then apply to OSU or just apply to OSU, which doesn't require any CS classes as a prerequisite. So I asked my "Geek Squad" on Facebook for their thoughts.

It's warm in here. I hope that it won't get hot soon because I don't want to turn on the a/c.

Mimi just went galloping by. I wonder why.

Time to sleep. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, school, weather, money, mimi

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