Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

Apr 13, 2019 22:18

Stayed up ridiculously late reading. It felt good to do something frivolous though. Got up at 11 AM.

Had some snuggle time with Miss Z.

I opened a box that the girls' cat food came in, took out the food, turned around, and Mimi was in the box. Now Zara's in the box. They have an illustrious career ahead of them as box inspectors.

Fed the girls and myself. Now I'm taking a nap. Mimi is in her place of honor on the bed.

Had a nice nap.

I've been emptying boxes, and found some cat toys, and I scattered them around. Mimi and Zara played with some of them. They also have to be wherever I'm putting stuff. It's a poor job that can't afford a boss. Two bosses.

Cleared a space to put up two out of three remaining kitchen shelves. Need to sweep the floor there and wipe off the shelves first. Then unpacking will go a lot faster because I'll be able to empty food boxes.

Running out of steam. I think that it's time to take a shower and throw myself together so that I can go to the store later.

Went to the store. I was hungry and bought a bunch of stuff not on my list, including some fried chicken made in the store that smelled delicious.

Talked to Mom. She's doing okay

Fed the girls. I think that I'll empty a few more boxes and then go to sleep. I'm hoping to get up early and do a few more boxes before work, plus I want to run some stuff over to the storage place. x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, move, books, food, mom, mimi

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