Too Many Spinning Plates

Apr 12, 2019 22:58

Slept through to my alarm at 11 AM, although I woke up a couple of times. I needed the sleep.

Went to put clothes in the dryer, and the dryer's not working again. Damn it. I'll call the place that I got it again. I called, and they're going to come by on Monday. I'm going to need to wash some clothes at the laundromat this weekend though. I need to stop by the credit union and get quarters. This isn't how things were supposed to go. I don't even have jeans to wear to the laundromat, but should be able to cobble some stuff together. I decided to wash my clothes in my washer, and just dry them at the laundromat.

I'm running early for my dentist's appointment. It just occurred to me that I should have told them about my surgery last week. Too many spinning plates in the air.

The dentist said that it was okay to do the work despite my surgery. I had a tooth drilled and a temporary crown put in. I realized later that they hadn't set an appointment to have the permanent crown put in, but they were closing by that point. I'll call on Monday.

Went and got some quarters for the laundromat. Went to the library and picked up some books that I had requested. Also picked up some business magazines to read while my clothes are drying at the laundromat.

Now I'm washing one more load of laundry and eating lunch.

At the laundromat now, drying my clothes.

Back with clean, dry clothes. My tooth is starting to hurt, so I think some acetaminophen and a nap is in order.

Wow, I woke up feeling hammered. I was going to go to the store, but I think that I'll feed myself and the girls, and go back to bed.

I sat for a good long time with Mimi on my lap, and she wasn't complaining that she was hungry. Just fed them anyway.

Zara had decided that the office is her place. I find it interesting to see them claim space. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, aargh, tired, dentist, mimi

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