Why Am I So Tired?

Feb 16, 2019 22:52

There's something to be said for getting up early. I got my hair cut and ran errands, all before 10:30 AM. However, I'm planning to take a nap after I have some Ramen.

The neighbors appear to be moving out.

Took a nap. Studied Spanish flashcards. Took a quiz. Studied Spanish grammar. Developed some Spanish questions for my lesson. Scrubbed a litter box. Had a bite to eat. Took another short nap because I've been feeling really tired. (I think that I forgot to take my meds this morning in the rush to get out of the house.) I can stay up later cleaning now that the neighbors have moved out.

Had my Spanish lesson, but my instructor couldn't hear me. He thought that it was my headphones, but I did the Web site's AV test, and I was able to hear my recording. I don't know what was wrong.

Wanted to vacuum, but Zara was sleeping so peacefully that I decided not to. Then I went in the kitchen, and Zara and Mimi magically appeared. Started cleaning the kitchen and bathroom.

Mom had quite a week. She was stuck in the house due to weather on Wednesday, when she has her therapy appointment. Then the Check Engine light went on when she was going to her chemo appointment. She canceled the appointment and went to the car dealer, who couldn't fit her in, but told her that she could drive the car, and later the Check Engine light went off. She's going to keep an eye on it.

Had some warmed up lobster mac-and-cheese for dinner. It was still good. Zara thought that it smelled really good too; she was hanging around until I finished it. She had just eaten too.

I have a headache, so I think that I'll go to bed early and get up early. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, wrrands, cleaning, headache, zara, mom, food, neighbor

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