T Minus One

Feb 18, 2019 22:22

Well, I scrubbed part of the kitchen floor.

Broke up a cat fight. I think the cats know that something's up.

Woke up at 9 AM. Decided that I didn't need to get up quite that early, and went back to sleep for an hour.

Cleaned out the back seat of the car for the girls.

This is weird. My phone is acting like I don't have WiFi, but I checked it and it's on.

Zara was in perfect position to get her in the carrier when I got into the shower, but it was a little early to get her in there. I want them to spend as little time in the carrier as possible.

Operation Cat-Nap came off okay, although both girls put up a good fight. Zara knew something was up, and hid in the bedroom. Mimi was really struggling when I put her in the carrier. They're now unhappily ensconced at the vet

Packed. Bringing more books than I intended, but I will have a lot of time to read. I'm charging my Kindle.

Cleaned out my purse. Vacuumed. Scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floor. I'm going to lie down while the floors are drying.

Had a nice nap. Ran into work and printed my boarding pass.

I was so busy today that I forgot to eat lunch! Making dinner now.

Everything is done except for some things in the dryer, including my purse. I'll wait for the morning to pull it out though. I could stay up and tackle the mail on the table, but I think that I'll get ready for bed and read for a while. I should get a decent night's sleep, which makes me wonder what I've forgotten, but I made lists. x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, travel, cleaning, cats, mimi

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