No Trip to Normal. Yay!

Feb 15, 2019 23:44

Crud. My doctor forgot to send new prescriptions to the pharmacy. That'll slow things down.

Cleaned up a broken measuring cup. A jar of jam fell out of a cabinet and landed unerringly on the measuring cup in the sink.

Studied Spanish flashcards.

My prescription is ready. Good. I hope that Walmart was able to fill Zara's prescription. I need to go over there and find out. (I can't check on Zara's prescriptions on my phone because they're under a different name from me.)

My instructor canceled our meeting today. She forgot that our schedule was a week off due to the week that we were closed. That gives me lots of extra time. Good. I think that I'll go back to sleep for a little while after Zara finishes snuggling on my lap.

Poor Zara. She was sitting in my lap, resting her head against my chest and being sweet and cute, when the buzzer on the dryer went off, and she freaked and jumped off. Now she's curled up on the bed with me.

Almost forgot that I have a quiz to take tonight. Too many moving parts. I put it on my to-do list.

Napped. Had a bite to eat. Put on my makeup. (I had taken a shower before my instructor canceled.)

Ran my errands. I was so preoccupied with what was going on that I forgot my hat and scarf, and it was 19F and windy. Managed to run my errands without freezing body parts. Walmart did have Zara's meds. I was worried because I read that there was a shortage of BuSpar, and if ever she needs her antianxiety meds, it's while she's at the vet.

Now I need to sit for a few minutes. Mimi is on my lap, which adds to the inertia. Actually I think that I might take a short nap.

Just realized that I meant to get some sweet rolls to take with me to San Jose, but didn't put them on the list. I can pick them up after my hair appointment tomorrow.

Napped. I figure that if I fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and I did, I must have needed the sleep. I decided not to go to the gym tonight because I have to get up early tomorrow.

Fed the hordes and myself. Had some lobster mac-and-cheese that was really good.

The Web site for Heartland didn't let me log on, so I couldn't take the quiz. I studied Spanish though.

Time to go to sleep. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, doctor, mimi, zara, errands, school, aargh, food

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