Fall Back

Nov 05, 2018 01:00

Booked my travel for Christmas. I used the voucher from the fiasco of a trip when I went to see Mom in July.

Went to bed early and also had the extra hour, so I got a lot of sleep.

Figured out how to turn off Facebook notifications.

I had planned to go to the store before work, but it's raining, so I think that I'll lie down for a little while.

Went to the store after work. Had some problems finding a car charger for my new cell phone because the new phone has a USB-C connector. I finally found just the part that plugs in and has a USB port. It should work.

Found a WordPress development class to take in the spring along with my Adobe class.
 I have homework. I'm thinking about going to sleep and getting up early, except that I had an idea about an assignment. I'll try the idea, then go to sleep. x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, phone, school, class, sleep, travel

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