New Stuff

Nov 03, 2018 22:47

I bought the purple laptop. Now I need to look for an academic license of Office 365. I just signed up for a free Office 365 account because I'm an educator. Awesome. I should be able to get Adobe at a discount too. Which reminded me to register for the Adobe class in the spring.

I fed the girls dry food when I first got up, but Zara was holding out for the good stuff (canned food). Guess that they weren't starving too much.

Tried to subscribe to the Wall Street Journal because reading it after work is not working out. When I get to the end of my day, I want to go home. However, it told me that I already have an account; the work account is in my name. So I guess that I need to call them to see if I can get digital access working.

My new phone hasn't learned the names of my cats yet. It turned Zara into Sara. It also turned the Wall Street Journal into the Walk Street Journal. Right.

My phone is chiming whenever someone on my friends list updates Facebook. I don't want it to do that, but haven't figured out how to turn it off. I know, RTFM. Adventures in new phone ownership....

I like that, when I talk to Mimi, she responds. We had a lively conversation going in English and Cat.

Took a nap. Amazingly, slept even though I had the long sleep yesterday.

Studied Spanish.

My Spanish lesson went well. It's hard, but private lessons are the way to go if you really want to learn a language.

Mom is doing well. We're squared away for Christmas. x-posted from Dreamwidth

spanish, zara, phone, laptop, mom, sleep, mimi

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