New Year's Eve in Paris!

Jan 31, 2024 00:12

It's looking like May won't work for Paris due to final exams, assuming that I get into the Masters in Computer Science for Data Science program. September is probably the best time, unless I decide to spend New Year's in Paris, but that's a different program. Now I'm leaning towards New Year's in Paris. I need to make a decision quickly because one of the New Year's trips is sold out. I put a deposit down on New Year's in Paris (2025)! I'm so excited! That way, I can just enjoy and not worry about school. And I could have a glass of French champagne on New Year's Eve! It'll also give me a long time to pay for it too.

Because the trip is so late in 2025, I'll probably take a trip within the US earlier that year. My top places are Seattle or Charleston/Savannah, maybe over Spring Break or late May. I'd also like to go to Miami, but given the politics there, not. I have lots of time to figure out what I want to do.

While I was on the Road Scholar site, I looked up the reading list for my Italy trip and it's 17 books! I better get cracking! I started to order them new, but realized how much that would cost, and got most of them used for a low cost. It cost me a little over $100.

It occurred to me that I could have an aquarium, which I’ve wanted for a while, but where? Then it occurred to me that I would like one in my office space. I got a couple of books on them. There is a tropical fish group in Champaign. That would be another good way to meet people. I think that I know where I'd want to put the aquarium, but I'd need to have an extra outlet installed.

I had a problem falling asleep last night until I ate some oatmeal, so I didn't get up early. Sigh.

It’s snowing. The forecasters said up to four inches. It's kind of pretty out.

I saved an article yesterday called “Five Steps to an Organized Dresser”. Getting my clothes organized will be my first task in my new house. I’ll have to Marie Kondo my clothes because I bought a bunch of new stuff up here.

I found a desk that I really like for the home office for work. And another wooden folding desk that I could use for my home computer. Now I'm thinking that it would look better if I got two of the same desk. I also found drum coffee tables (in silver) and end tables that I like and are cheaper than the Art Deco table that I liked. I'd like a set of a coffee table and an end table if possible though.

Classes are still going well. I keep talking in class to the point that it gets embarrassing. I'm trying to help my classmates, but I'm a lousy teacher. One classmate said that I used too many words.

I needed to go get the trash and recycle bins in the snow. I need a shoehorn to get my new snow boots on because my left foot is slightly bigger than my right foot. I wound up putting rain boots on, and they worked. I ordered a shoehorn.

Now I'm working on my homework that's due tonight. Mimi thinks that it's woefully unfair that I'm not snuggling with her. I told her that I need to do well so that I can get in the Master's program, and she didn't like the sounds of that. She wants me to flunk out so that I'll spend more time snuggling :)

Okay, the homework is done. I need to go back to work for a while.

Heck. I'm going to have to go down to Urbana to get my mail soon, but I'm waiting for the painter to finish so that I can see the new paint and give him a check.

I was "talking" to my mom, telling her my plans for the Urbana house, and drawing the similarities to her house. I think that she'd really like it.

I did a couple of hours of work, but it's gotten late, so I'll do the other hour tomorrow. I need to do dishes and tidy up the kitchen a little (I'm trying to keep on top of it) and start a load of laundry, and then I'll snuggle with Mimi and go to bed.

organizing, aquarium, sleep, charleston, urbana, mom, furniture, work, seatlle, weather, classes, paris, savannah, mimi, book, chores, italy, clothes, travel, house

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