My Dance Card Is Filling Up

Oct 26, 2023 22:43

I did get up early and shave my legs. But then I realized that I need to trim my toenails too. I'll do that after work. Also, I want to get another lock for the gym locker from Home Depot. I have one with a fixed combination, but I'll never remember it. I want one that I can set!

I'll need to stop at Meijer after swimming for a new belt and garbage bags. When I get home, I'll need to finish cleaning the sink and scrub the bathroom floor, which had litter stuck to it. Oh, and vacuum the dining room, where I was working. And take out the recycling. It'll be a busy day. And practice guitar and voice and set up for my guitar lesson tomorrow.

Oh, and my photography teacher forgot about the lesson yesterday. She's kind of flaky. We're going to meet after my Kauai trip.

Had my session with the life coach. We came up with a list of things that I need to get done. Top of the list is making a reservation for the cats to be boarded while the movers are here. And getting cleaners for the house after the movers are here.

Talked to the weight-loss coach. She was surprisingly good-natured about not talking to me when I'm in Kauai. We have meetings before and after.

Now I'm thinking of going swimming on Saturday instead of tonight because I have a lot of cleaning to do before the mover comes tomorrow. I will run my errands though.

Well, hmm. The mover guy caught me when I was about to leave and asked to reschedule for next week. We settled on Monday. Technically, I could go swimming, but I realized that I need to have keys cut at Home Depot also. My dance card is filling up.

I got to CVS and Home Depot. Got my keys made and picked up some other stuff, including a ton of garbage bags. Came home and got my frozen food inside that I had forgotten about. But now I’m wiping out. I’m thinking of going to bed shortly after dinner and getting up early.

I bought a set of AirTags and AirTag keychain holders because I’m going to have several sets of keys that might go AWOL. Anything could help.

I won't need to go to Meijer tomorrow because I ordered a belt from Amazon with a flat buckle. Actually, I fell between sizes so I ordered both sizes and will return one. And I bought hand soap.

Urbana organizer: $2640 for two organizers for four days

Dumpster - Nov. 17th instead of 20th?

mom's house, beauty, cleaning, organizer, life coach, mover, singing, guitar, tired, photography, errands, keys, swimming, food, weight loss, voice

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