So Many Plates to Keep in Mid-air

Oct 27, 2023 22:18

Did part one of my pedicure this morning. (I pushed back my cuticles, exfoliated my feet, and clipped my toenails.) I'm planning to paint my toes this afternoon, after my errand to the bank, so that my toes can dry while I'm working. Efficiency :) The pedicure is done.

I'm down 20 pounds! I just need to do this three more times, and I'll be at my target weight!

Hmm. I need to give a key to the handyman in case he or the real estate guy need to get in while I'm gone, but he's not here yet.

Well, hell. The animal hospital near me no longer does boarding. A lot of the kennels around here are dog only. I called another animal hospital and left a message. They left a message and said that they don't do boarding. Yay, I found a place, but they want a leukemia shot as well as rabies, so I need to see if they've had one. Got the vaccination record, but they weren't vaccinated for feline leukemia, so I need to bring them to a local vet for shots as soon as I get back.

So many plates to keep in mid-air. I want another set of shelves for my pantry area before the Urbana organizers get there. Because I'm running into Christmas when I get there (what am I going to do about food?), I need to get them while I'm there for the on-site meeting. I suppose that I could get frozen food too. I think that I have some for that matter if it's still good. I paid my deposit for the Urbana organizers.

I’m going to have to work on my performance appraisal this weekend because my boss wants it done before I leave.

I’m wondering where a small tin that had what I think was my mom’s safety deposit box key in it. I think that I kept the tin, so it’s probably in storage. I’ll need to look for it when I get back.

Had my voice lesson. but I kept yawning, so we postponed guitar and music theory until Sunday.

Oh yikes. I got the date wrong on the flight back to Detroit from Chicago; I needed it to be a day later. I jumped on the phone with the airline and got it changed. I'm glad that I caught that.

I'm thinking of going to bed soon.

kauai, singing, mom's house, urbana, beauty, weight loss, work, travel, voice, cats

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