Brows Done and House Cleaned

Oct 25, 2023 23:21

Cat wrangling this morning. Mimi stopped eating her food, and I think that she wanted to eat Zara’s food, but I stopped her. Zara wound up eating Mimi’s food. Ha! (Zara is skinny and Mimi is chunky, so it's okay if Zara eats Mimi's food, but not vice versa.)

Got my brows waxed and laminated. I made another appointment in December. Now I just need to get my nails done (appointment made), shave my legs, and give myself a pedicure on Saturday. Then I'll be ready for the trip, at least as far as my body is concerned :)

Oh cool. A professional organizer in Urbana has multiple openings the week between Christmas and New Year's, so I'm hoping to blast through my stuff.

The house cleaner is here. I have an appointment with a mover (Mayflower) on Friday. Awesome. I got texted by two movers who claimed that they were affiliated with a third company that I contacted, but they worked for two other companies....I told them forget it.

The new garage door will cost $4500. And the roof will cost $22,000. All I can say is that this place better sell quickly after I put it on the market after all the work that we've done. Speaking of which, I need to get someone to rake the leaves after I get back from Kauai.

The house cleaner did a great job. She recommended some litter mats that I ordered. I'm waiting for the floor to dry so that I can grab some cups of which to take a picture for my photography lesson tonight. I'd like to eat dinner, but might not have a chance before the lesson. My photography lesson was canceled; I don't know why. I told the teacher that the next time that I could have a lesson is on November 15th, after I get back from Hawaii and when I'm in Illinois.

Foooood! I had some Lean Cuisine Lemon Shrimp Stir-Fry that was really good.

Dad said that the real estate market is bad right now because of interest rates, “but there are options”. I wrote back and said, “What options?” Sigh. It would be a good time for me to buy a house though.

I got some glassware for the estate sale soaking in the sink. The cleaner couldn't clean the sink because I had stuff in it. I need to get it done before Friday, when the mover comes, and I want to go swimming tomorrow. Oh crud, that means that I need to shave my legs tonight. Well, at least it'll be done. I have to avoid getting my brows wet tonight though.

I ordered a goals planner for next year, given that I'm already working on my goals for the class, and I'll have lots of time in airports and on planes to think about them.

Started another load of laundry. Emailed proof of home insurance to the mortgage company, after having some issues printing off the relevant documents. I'm yawning. I need to go upstairs and shower and shave my legs and go to bed. And no, Zara, I'm not giving you more food.

kauai, home, mom's house, beauty, mimi, chores, goals, zara, photography, swimming, food, money, travel, cats, dad

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