New Haircut

Oct 22, 2023 21:55

I got to the hair salon way early. The stylist texted me and said that she had a cancellation, and could I come earlier? I said, “Sure, I’m outside.” I got a really cute bob haircut, chin length. She blow-dried it straight, and it made me wonder if I should get a styling brush and bring my blow-dryer to Kauai. I made another appointment with her in December. I bought a combo blow-dryer and styling brush in one. It’ll be smaller in my suitcase.

Did my music theory homework. Practiced guitar and voice. I just pulled a muscle in my back and think that I need to lie down. I'll email my teachers. Mimi couldn’t care less that my back hurts. I’m warm and that’s what matters. Had a nice nap, but my back still hurts. My nice music teacher asked me if I want to reschedule.

Hmm. I need to take out the recycling and do laundry, but my back still hurts. There was something that I needed to do online, but I don't remember what it was. I need to pack, but the same issue applies, Maybe I should just go to bed early. Zara wants food. Mimi is complaining too. Maybe I could study French. Oh, I need to pick out my BistroMD meals (done).

Hmm. shadowkat on DW mentioned that her mom is at a retirement place called The Cypress at Hilton Head. I looked at some of their videos and kind of like the place. It's something to keep in mind as I get older. They have skilled nursing care there. Maybe I should plan a trip to Hilton Head in the future.

Oh, I can work on my vision statement (done?). Oh, I need to do my French homework too (done). I signed up for the LingQ app to learn Italian and French vocabulary. I think that I'll go to bed now.

singing, guitar, french, vision statement, italian, mimi, chores, zara, food, voice, hair, music theory, retirement

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