French from Mid-Air

Oct 24, 2023 00:12

I contacted some moving companies for a quote.
My back feels better this morning. Got a load of laundry started. Painting guy is here and is making lots of noise. The cats disapprove. Got my big bag of laundry downstairs. Now my back is hurting again. Sigh.

Oops. I’m wearing a pair of jeans that I want to take to Hawaii. I need to remember to throw them in the wash.

I noticed that the scale that I had been using was out of whack and added five pounds. I figured out how to get my digital scale back on pounds (I stopped using it because it reset to kg), and it says that I’m a few ounces over 190 pounds. Good.

Now I have a headache. I'm a mess.

Tons of meetings today, and the handyman talked to me between meetings. He thinks that both the front and back garage doors need to be replaced. Sigh. I told a colleague that this should be a reality TV show called The Money Pit. Oh, and all the movers are calling me. I didn’t think this through.

I just freaked Mimi out by tripping over some boxes and kicking one towards her. She can sure move fast for a chunky cat. Now she won’t go near me.

I looked at retirement places in Portland, OR, and found a place that I liked but have no idea what it costs. Okay, I found the prices, and holy cow, it's expensive. That's another reason to wait. Ideally, I should get a place where I could move into memory care when and if I need it. If my plan is to move to a retirement place, I’ll probably live in Urbana in early retirement and then move. Also, I plan to live in Europe for a year and maybe two as a language learner, so I’d want to keep the Urbana house then. (Now I’m thinking a year in Italy and a year in France.)

I have to work some tonight to run some reports and save the results, but I have French late this afternoon, so no big deal.

French went okay. I'm having issues with verb conjugations, so I need to study them. Italian was at the wrong time this Sunday, so we canceled it until after my trip. I think that I want to take my French and Italian verb tense books to Hawaii with me to study in the airport or on the plane. Or maybe I could just copy some pages from them so that I won’t have to bring the whole books. Despite the long time since I studied French, I still speak it better than Italian. Not surprising though because I studied French from middle school through college. I pull bits of French out of mid-air. I wanted French and Italian flashcards for counting and ordered some, but the Italian ones will get here after I leave. I also got some French verb conjugation and basic vocabulary, and Italian travel phrases and basic vocabulary flash cards.

Mimi came by for dinner long after Zara ate her food :) I said, “You snooze, you lose,” but I gave her some dry food.

I had a ton of cleaning supplies come from Amazon. I just need to order some floor cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, and cleanser from Meijer for tomorrow (done). The cleaner will be here mid-afternoon on Wednesday. I’m getting my brows done at noon, but should be back by then.

I got the garbage and recycling out for pickup. I have a headache and my knees hurt, so I’m going to lie down for a few minutes before going back to work. I couldn’t sleep, but the headache went away.

Mimi wanted something, which turned out for me to lie down and snuggle. So it worked for the both of us. She’s now blissfully asleep. The only thing is that I want to wash the sheets. I guess that I’ll get them in the morning. And the towels and my gym shoes.

Zara is trying to train me to feed her four times a day instead of three and is disappointed that it’s not working.

dadi asked for pictures of my new haircut. This is how it looks when I don't blow-dry it.

I'll try to blow-dry it sometime this week to show how it looks then.

I'm done with work. And I'm getting another flipping headache :( I'm going to change into pajamas and put another load in the wash and go to bed.

french, mom's house, cleaning, italian, headache, mimi, chores, zara, weight loss, hair, work, clothes, cats, retirement

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