The Downstairs Is Done!

Oct 22, 2023 01:13

I have charged GoPro and camera batteries. Go me.

I added a scale showing 120 pounds and a sheath dress to my vision board. I hope that it helps. I did row, but the video that said “scenic” wasn’t and I can’t get the resistance above 1. I need to contact the company. I’m trying the “small goals” approach and doing it for 10 minutes and will build up. I forgot to feed the cats beforehand and Zara was meowing from upstairs. I suck.

I practiced voice and guitar. Go me. Now I need to go back to bed.

Woke up with my alarm. Mimi came down for breakfast long after Zara had eaten Mimi’s food, so I gave Mimi some dry food. It’s tough having two cats on different feeding schedules.

I found my box of missing camera stuff in the plant room. Good.

The downstairs is done (except for the garage)! We finished the breezeway and three and one half closets downstairs. We started on the crawl space upstairs. I found my mom’s dog’s ashes, so I need to figure out what to do with them. We just have four more sessions because then the organizer’s baby is due, but she said that she could connect me with her helper, who is great on getting trash out.

I can’t stop sneezing from the dust in the crawl space.

After lunch, I ran to Walgreens and picked up my prescription and some tweezers. Then I went to the copy shop to print off my music theory book. The print job was more than the maximum allowable print job, and I used up my three print jobs trying to get it to work. So that was a bust. I ordered the current edition from Amazon, but it's different from what my teacher has.

I'm not able to go swimming because apparently I was still using my old debit card to pay for the gym access, so I need to get that fixed. But first, it's nap time.

The scale thing on my vision board is working. I wanted a snack when I came back, but I looked at it and did without.

Got up from my nap with the alarm. Made a list of things to do.

Cool. I got the Maui t-shirts. And I love, love, love the tweed blazers that I’ve been getting. The black and navy pumps that I got are perfect. They’re comfortable and fit well.

Gathered cash for the hair cut. Watered the orchids. Paid my gym bill. Booked Italian and French lessons. Finished my Italian homework. I need a short break before doing the music theory homework. Booked a singing lesson in November.

It’s gotten late, so I’ll do my music theory homework when I get back from the haircut. I need to practice voice and guitar (done!) Now to sleep....

organizing, munsic theory, french, italian, exercise, singing, kauai, guitar, mimi, errands, zara, chores, cubby, clothes, travel, voice, vision board

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