Well, At Least I'm Here

May 22, 2023 03:30

I got up early but went back to sleep for a while. I think that I needed the sleep. Did dishes and emptied the dryer. I forgot that I washed my bra in the laundry load last night, so I'll need to wait until it dries to take a shower.

Just remembered to have my prescriptions filled. I'm on my last refill, so I'll need to find a doctor in Michigan ASAP. Okay, I found a couple of possibilities. And the dryer has stopped.

I have a headache, so I'm going to lie down for a little while.

Threw myself together. My dad forgot to copy me on his subsequent trip emails. They're fine. My dad's cousin forwarded me the emails.

Dropped off my library book and my garbage. Now I'm taking a short break before loading the car. I'm mulling over how I would landscape the yard. I'm looking for garden software.

Crap, crap, crap. I lost my debit card to my mom's account. I used it this morning to get gas, and I guess that I dropped it.

Oh. My. God. Sue forwarded Dad's emails, but she said that he is having some memory and cognitive issues. Oh God, no. I can't cope (like I have a choice).

I'm back at my mom's house. I'm taking the morning off of work. I had thought that my appointment with the people who clean out estates was at 10, but instead, it's at 12. I should be able to get some sleep (once my meds kick in).

One bit of good news: I found my debit card. It was in my laptop for some reason. Yay because I need it for the lunch after my mom's funeral on Friday.

sleep, meds, doctor, chores, errands, aargh, mom, house, dad

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