This Week Sucks So Far

May 22, 2023 22:41

The appointment that I had was at 10. But luckily, I woke up right before then. The Betty Brigade people went through the house and made notes. They will send an estimate later this week. They said that they were scheduling four to six weeks out, but that's okay. That'll give me time to go through the books and DVDs.

Zara has been climbing on my lap a lot since I got back. She wants food--I've told her that she's a stomach with legs--but I think that I was missed.

I need to call the mower guy.

Oh hell. I forgot to tell a group of which my mom was a member the date for the memorial service. I just texted them. Some people whom I thought would be there can't go. All I'm hearing is people saying "No" right now. And the restaurant wants a count of people and the menu. I gave them a menu, but then remembered that a lot of my mom's friends are vegetarians. I asked if they could throw in a couple of Margherita pizzas. They said okay.

All my directories on my work computer have been made read-only. I opened a ticket with IT. I want a do-over this week and it's only just started.

Oh crap. The Betty Brigade folks want $18,000 to clear out my mom's house. That's even worse than I had feared. I need to seriously think that through. Crap, that really would wipe me out. I think that I should look into 1-800-GOT-JUNK first. I can book online, but I think that I better call them and explain the situation. Note to self: 1-800-468-5865. I guess that I need to go through the rooms and pull out the junk. I started going through the living room. I found a bunch of magazines that Mom put into binders. Those can go. I'm sorting through Mom's books now, and I want some of her photography books. I ordered some boxes to put the books that I want to keep in. I don't know what to do with the photo albums that my mom inherited from my aunt. And there are Christmas tree ornaments that I need to figure out what to do with. Some of them are as old as I am or older. I bought a storage box to put ornaments in.

I submitted a Kroger order. Gathered up garbage and recycling. Printed off the profiles of two psychiatrists that I want to contact. (I'll have some time for phone calls tomorrow.)

I ordered a small basket of flowers to bring to the funeral on Friday.

I think that I'm going to crash. I hope that more people RSVP tomorrow for the lunch on Friday.

chores, zara, mom, funeral, work, psychiatrist

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