Ouchy Massage

May 20, 2023 20:01

I woke up a little before my alarm and threw clothes in the dryer. Went back to sleep for a little while.

I'm a little worried about my dad. He and his wife were on a trip, and he was posting "trip reports," but he suddenly stopped.

I had my massage. The masseur applied more pressure than I like, but it worked. My shoulders and neck no longer hurt. I had a bite of lunch.

Talked to my therapist. She thinks that I'm trying to make a decision about the houses too early. She also said to think how I can make the Urbana house have the same feel as Mom's house. (I'm looking at patio fountains.) She's glad that I'm hiring help. She said to take care of myself, or nothing will get done. She wants me to talk to a psychiatrist about my depression.

Now I'm thinking that I'll leave in the morning. I want to take a nap, and I need to return a library book at the University and drop off some garbage in a friend's garbage can. It'll get late before I get everything done. I did pull out the guitar that I want to take with me though.

I had a long nap. Started cleaning up the kitchen. Bought the Hawaii dress and a couple of bras online. I'm feeling really tired, so I'm thinking of going to bed really early and getting up early.

chores, errands, therapist, massage, clothes, dad

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