Quiet Day

Apr 22, 2023 22:25

I fed the girls, and they're off for their naps. Well, Zara is. Mimi keeps asking to go down in the basement, and I keep telling her "No." She doesn't approve of closed doors, or in this case, a closed gate.

I downed my breakfast and my morning meds.

I forgot to mention that I arranged a meeting with my mom's finance people on Monday. Oh, and I found a statement from her life insurance policy. I'll need to talk to them about that.

My left knee keeps really bothering me when I go upstairs. I need to get to the gym to strengthen my leg muscles.

Ack! I had previously paid an energy bill at DTE, but I received a shutoff notice from Consumers' Energy. It's paid now, but I'm wondering why Mom gets two utility bills? (Answer: one is electricity and one is gas.) I put aside Mom's BCBS bill to call them on Monday and tell them that she passed away.

It's been raining, and I feel sleepy, so I'm going to take a short nap. I submitted another Kroger delivery order.

I made a lot of progress on the bills. I also found a (paid) bill from the people who mowed Mom's lawn last year, so I'll call them next week. It would be nice to have the filing cabinet now, but it isn't coming until the 1st. I guess that I'll make piles.

I booked a trial lesson in Cantonese tomorrow. I'd like to learn basic Cantonese to explore Hong Kong and Taiwan. I'm not going to either of them this year, but that gives me time to study. I also ordered some language books and recordings.

Well, hell. I took a nap and didn't wake up in time for my Kroger delivery order, so they cancelled it.

I selected a Task Rabbit guy to clean up the garden beds. He wants pictures. so I'll take some tomorrow.

I'm going to go to bed and get up early to do dishes and laundry.

chores, zara, mom, sleep, cantonese, cata, mimi

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