Zen and the Art of Online Banking

Apr 23, 2023 22:23

I think that I found Pottery Barn slipcovers that I like, in oat (kind of a light golden brown). Now I'm thinking that I should put the table with writing in the living room as a writing desk.

Mimi is following me around. It took me two trips to bring my clothes downstairs to be washed, so she went up and down the stairs with me. I told her that was good exercise. Now I'm heating up water for dishes. (Because the hot water is out on the first floor, I have to heat up water on the stove. I'll be very happy to have that fixed.) Got some dishes done and draining.

I'm looking around at Mom's stuff and feeling the enormity of a life.

Mom has some nice travel and art books that I would like, but I'd have to figure out where I could put them. I also found a couple of nice wicker chairs, but where would I have the room? This is hard because Mom and I have a lot of similar tastes in things.

I found a used bookstore that buys books. Mom has books squirrelled away in lots of places. I need to go to U-Haul and get some boxes. I also want to ask Lotus if the Theosophical Society would want some of her books.

Mimi has decided that I'm in my rightful place, snuggling with her in bed. Nap time. Couldn't sleep.

I contacted someone about the pond. The theme right now is getting the yards in order.

I'm waiting for my Kroger order. The guy has been shopping for 40 minutes and I have 10 items? My clothes are in the dryer. My plan is to put the groceries away, grab some clothes to wear later, and take a nap.

I found my mom's address book and am flipping through it. She had originally said that she wanted a memorial service in Chicago as well, but I found only a few people in the Chicago area. I guess that I'll see who I can get in touch with.

Freeze warning tonight?

I'm wondering what to do with stuff like a half-empty bottle of olive oil. It seems like a waste to throw it out, but no one will want it if it's open.

I paid off one of Mom's credit cards. I'll cancel it when the account is officially zero.

I really like the Cantonese teacher. She's very patient and encouraging. She's going to be on vacation for a week, but then I'll book another lesson.

I ran into issues trying to get access to the Chase credit card online. I got the Citi card zeroed out.

chores, mom, cantonese, furniture, weather, mimi

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