
Apr 22, 2023 08:24

I had problems falling asleep last night. As a consequence, I'm groggy today. I was going to review a document for work today, but I'll just continue to excavate my email from my week off and review the document tomorrow.

I ordered an urn for Mom's ashes that I rather like. It's shaped like a book, and we're book people, and it has ivy on it, and Mom's house is covered in ivy. It's a lot of money to spend for an urn that will mostly get viewed at the memorial service, but because we have the money, I went for it. It should arrive next week, and so will my mom's ashes.

I ordered a rolling two-drawer filing cabinet from Walmart as a place to stash important papers that we run across. Otherwise, we'll just create more piles.

Took a nap and slept 15 hours until morning. Yikes. The girls are very hungry because they missed dinner and are agitated.

mom, sleep, work, cats

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