
Oct 24, 2022 21:53

The hotel bed was such a soft and cozy nest. I wish that I could have taken it with me.

I am feeling completely overwhelmed. I'm trying to do stuff to move us along. I was outside rearranging some stuff in the van, and Mom needed my help in the bathroom. She said that she screamed for me, but I didn't hear her. So right now I'm just sitting here, playing with my phone, although Mom said that I could load the delicate stuff in the car, but she wants to go through the bags to see is there's anything that she needs.

Loaded the van. Ran and got us some lunch. Now Mom wants to go by the cemetery because my aunt's nephew sent the wording for my aunt's stone and she wants to compare it to the existing stones.

I am so not going to get my homework done tonight.

We went by the cemetery and looked at my uncle's, grandfather's, and grandmother's stones. We decided that the wording on my aunt's stone should match my uncle's.

At that point, it was 4 PM. Mom was dubious about starting that late. I was willing, but we'd hit rush-hour traffic, which is extreme in Chicago. So we're staying here one more night and getting an early start in the morning.

Mom was falling asleep in her chair, so I told her to take a nap. I'm going to start on homework. Hmm, Google FI's hotspot kind of sucks. Slow and many spinning progress icons. The laptop finally came to a grinding halt when I was trying to get TaskRabbit guys to unload the van tomorrow night, so I had to use my phone to book them. I don't know what I'll do for class on Thursday.

Mom is now bent out of shape because I won't be coming to Detroit over Christmas because I'll be moving. She has some major magical thinking in that I can snap my fingers and stuff that I need to get done magically takes no time, while she can take as long as she wants for what she wants to get done.

I need to calm down and do homework.

mom, auntie a, chicago, moving

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