Help! The Saga Continues....

Oct 23, 2022 22:24

The hotel had a free breakfast, so I delayed my departure to partake. Got to my aunt's house (even my phone's GPS was going haywire, telling me to make a turn after I already made it) and called the U-Haul place at which I had tried and failed to get the rental last night. He said that I needed to call U-Haul, and I said that I did, and they said that he would have to cancel the transaction. He said that he would cancel it. A half-hour went by, and the U-Haul app said that I still had the van, so I called again. He said to give him a few minutes. Then he texted me that I need to call U-Haul because he can't cancel it because it said that I had the truck. I called U-Haul. They said that they couldn't do anything, but maybe the dispatcher could help, and they transferred me. I stayed on hold for a half-hour and hung up.

At that point, I needed to get U-Haul van #2. That went smoothly, and I parked the van in front of my aunt's house. Then I called the U-Haul dispatcher again. I stayed on hold for 1.25 hours and then hung up.

Mom asked if we were going to have lunch. We ordered from Noodles and Company on Door Dash.

It's now 4 PM, and I haven't started loading the van and Mom hasn't started cleaning. It's going to take me forever to load the van because there are a bunch of little bags and boxes. We agree that there's no way that we're going to leave for Michigan tonight.

Then I started loading the van. Once I started, I realized how impossible it was going to be because there was a million little things that we were moving, so I requested a TaskRabbit helper. The only thing is that I had to book him three hours out. So I did what I could to load the van and then waited. The TaskRabbit guy made short work of loading the rest of the stuff, and Mom was impressed. I told her that's why we want to hire someone in Michigan too, and she agreed. I am not a professional mover! And I am as weak as a kitten! And my muscles and back are complaining!

Mom wanted another hot dog from Goody's, so I provided delivery services too. After we ate, I left.

I booked a really swanky hotel for tonight: Springhill Suites by Marriott. The bed looks inviting.

mom, moving

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