What a Freaking Mess

Oct 22, 2022 22:20

I overslept an hour. I must have needed the sleep.

I started to go down a rabbit hole trying to get my work email set up on my phone, but I reminded myself that my goal for this morning is to get out of here and on my way to Chicago. I can work on getting my email set up in the hotel tonight.

Called the U-Haul place to tell them that I was going to pick up the U-Haul an hour later, only to have them tell me that someone was keeping the van longer, so they didn't have one. I scrambled to make another reservation.

When I went to pick up the van, the guy there said that he couldn't give me the keys to it unless I could open the lockbox. I went through the steps to go through a mobile checkin, which involved calling three different people to vouch for me, only to find that the combination didn't work.

So I Ubered back. The U-Haul app said that I had the van, so I called U-Haul. They said that they couldn't cancel the transaction, but I need to call the place tomorrow and have them cancel it. I won't be able to get another van until they cancel it.

I made yet another reservation for a van tomorrow. This one is at an Ace Hardware, and they're usually on the ball, so I hope that this will work out.

I made Mom laugh because I received a text message thanking me for using U-Haul, and I gave it the finger :)

Mom was feeling very chatty tonight. Besides my trying to get the U-Haul, I went and got oatmeal and some dinner. She said my job for tonight is to get some good rest because tomorrow will be a long day. No kidding.

Aaaad the hotel couldn't find my reservation. They finally gave me a room to get rid of me I think. And the room was boiling hot, so I've got the a/c on. But it has a nice bed.

aargh, mom, sleep, auntie a

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