Give Me Strength

Sep 09, 2022 20:55

Class ran over today, sigh. The class is full of people who eat, sleep, and breathe computer science, and I'm not right now. I'm just trying to get by.

I'm trying to decide how much I want to pay to move my aunt's entertainment center to my house. Estimates are ranging from around $500 to $1100, with the more reputable companies being more expensive. I really like the entertainment center, but that's a lot of money.

Mom is having chest pains and is wheezing. I said that I'd take her to the ER or Urgent Care, but she said no, that she doesn't like the doctors in Chicago. She made a doctor's appointment for next week.

Yesterday, she complained that I didn't get enough bubble wrap and I should have realized that she would need more. Today, I bought a big box of bubble wrap, and she said that I bought too much. Then she decided that we needed more packing tape, so back out I went. (I bought two rolls to try to avoid another trip.) Then she looked at my car, and she said that I carry too much stuff around in my car, which is probably true, but still annoyed me.

Give me strength.

She did like the pistachio cake that I bought her. It's good to see that she likes something.

Mom is really not feeling well, so she's going to take a nap. I kind of hope that she'll sleep until morning. I rearranged stuff in my car and packed my suitcase. I'm going to pack up the computer after I post this entry. And I'm thinking of going to bed early and get a really good night's sleep before the drive tomorrow.

mom, money, classes

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