
Nov 25, 2021 22:17

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. The cats are not thankful. They have been hissing at each other this morning. Zara left bruises where she bit me, and Mimi was standing on them. Ow. Zara is all lovey-dovey because she wants to eat.

I'm trying to decide what to do about toiletries on my trip. Because I'm driving, I could throw my full-size shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in the car, but if I have a million small bags, it would take forever to load and unload the car. Hmm. I think that I'll get more small bottles and fill them.

Fed us all. I did the math, and I bought enough food for the cats while I'm gone.

Napped. Man, it's gloomy out. Had lunch. I was feeling shaky, and eating seems to have helped. I'm just sitting for a moment though.

Started laundry. Defrosted a turkey breast in the microwave. (It worked.) Now it's in the oven. I did some dishes and started cleaning off the table. I need to find the refill of my meds. Cleaned off the table. The meds aren't there or in my purse. Hmm. I found the key to Mom's house and put it in my purse. Went to sign up for Sirius XM, but their Web site is having technical difficulties.

Pulled an Oracle card and got surrender again. The book says that it could be giving up something that isn't working for you, which might be my messy home.

The turkey breast is done and looks tasty. Now it needs to cool and I'll shred it for the casserole. Now the casserole is in the oven. It was good. And I had pumpkin pie for dessert.

Now I'm kind of in a food coma. I need to clean up after cooking. Then I'll do some low-key stuff such as unplug the Pretty Good Laptop, which I'm taking with me to Michigan, from behind the digital piano and install Java on it.

Mimi is purring on my lap. Very peaceful.

Loaded the dishwasher. Found the meds. Yay! Started a packing list. Retrieved some colored pencils that fell off the side of the freezer. I want to use them in my planning book for next year.

Now Zara's on my chest and arm. The arm that she bit :) But I've forgiven her. The hum of the dishwasher is very soothing. Talked to Zara, and she cooperatively got up. Good girl.

Fished out the laptop cord from behind the digital piano. Installed Java on the laptop.

Now I'm not sure what to do. I don't feel like starting anything major. Maybe I should just go to sleep.

I think my (delayed) Christmas present to myself will be a new laptop battery so that I can write in trains, planes, and coffee shops.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

christmas, thanksgiving, cooking, mimi, oracle, zara, chores, travel, cats

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