Send in the Clowns

Nov 26, 2021 22:34

The girls are good and don't bother me while I'm asleep. After I sit up, Mimi will climb all over me, meowing. Sometimes she will jump on me when I go to sleep, and we have to work it out.

Oops. Apparently I scheduled my COVID test for today, not Saturday. I'm glad that they sent me a reminder.

Fed us all. When I went in the bedroom for a nap, Mimi started meowing. I told her I needed to use the washroom. She followed me in there because clearly I need a supervisor :) Napped.

Oh crud. Mom called as I was waking up, and they're predicting snow in Michigan on Monday. Not sure what to do. I need to think about this. I checked the weather en route, and the snow is only by her, so I'm going to leave on Monday as planned.

Printed off the email about the COVID test. Zara did something with my stapler, and I can't find it. My pen cup is missing too. Sigh.

Had lunch. Now I'm relaxing a little and uncrossing my eyes. Threw myself together. Zara came running out because of course I was going to feed them. Why else would I go into the kitchen? NOT. I told her I'd feed them when I got back.

Had my COVID test done. It wasn't too awful, and it was quick. Put air in my tires except for one tire that I couldn't get open. Got a few things at Walmart, which was packed and someone cut in front of me and walked very slowly. Patience. I got everything that I needed, including "de-icer" windshield wiper fluid. Got cash for the pet sitter and cash for my trip. I realized on the way home that I forgot to stop the mail, so I need to do that (done).

Stephen Sondheim died. Bummer.

Fed the girls and ate dinner. I think that I'm going to take a brief nap. Started to take a nap and the pet sitter stopped by for the money and woke me up. Trying again....Bah. Can't fall asleep. Oh well.

TravelZoo has a great deal on a trip to China. I can't afford it right now, but I have to remember to check TravelZoo on Black Friday in the future.

Zara has discovered that I'm lying in bed and is lying on me.

Walgreens said that I had a negative COVID test. About what I figured, but good to know for sure.

And now I'm yawning. I'm thinking of going to bed early and get up early.

Bah. Zara knocked over the desktop computer and moved the monitor.

I tried to sign up for Sirius XM again, and it still isn't working. I'll have to call them tomorrow. No, I can only text them tomorrow. I'll do that.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, zara, mom, coronavirus, travel, cats, mimi

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