
Jan 01, 2021 21:41

Apparently, some parts of Lincoln have lost power. I haven't thus far. The roads are a mess. It looks like there's ice on my car.

I'm mulling over goals for the coming year, although I won't do serious planning until I get my planning books.
  1. Learn and grow in my new job. Of course.
  2. Save money for a move/emergency fund. I need to figure out how much I can sock away each month.
  3. Create a budget.
  4. Start learning Italian again with a new teacher.
  5. Exercise.
  6. Do I want to lose weight?
  7. Declutter and hire a cleaning service for every other week.
  8. Classes.

I'm wondering if I could squeeze in a trip to Oregon to see Eugene and Salem in the fall. I guess that it all hinges on the vaccination schedules. Airfares are pricey right now.

I installed TrueBill, and I'm going through and cancelling subscriptions. A good way to start the year.

The power just went out and turned back on. Yikes.

My stomach is upset, so I'm lying down. Mimi is taking shameless advantage of my proximity.

While lying in bed, I brought a refurbished cassette-CD boombox and some Nightingale-Conant programs on CD.

I ordered How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind and The Four Tendencies (how you react to expectations--I'm a rebel who resists both internal and external expectations). I also joined the Habit Share app, but I don't have anyone to share progress with.

I'm yawning, so I want to roll with it and go to sleep early. I'll have to get up early next week.

Seattle is still the cheapest trip that I could take.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

books, weather, travel, saving money, self-improvement, goal-setting, mimi

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