Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2021 00:01

I dreamed about writing a sci-fi story. I was writing it during the dream. It was in a society that restricted information, and it had something to do with systems of two equations in algebra. Unfortunately, it's fading.

Woke up at 9 AM, went back to sleep, and woke up at 11 AM.

Ugh. Tomorrow morning is supposed to have a mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Good thing that I'm not planning to go out.

lenine2, what was the Web site on which you were taking piano lessons? I think that it was you? I went to start taking Italian lessons again, and they had some teachers. I'm also going to look on italki.

Had a nice nap. Threw myself together and went shopping. Bought ingredients for Italian Wonderpot and chili, and I already had ingredients for the cod. I brought extra soda inside with the thought that I might be socked in tomorrow.

Checked to see that I had a mini-bottle of Moscato because of there every was a year that deserved to be toasted on its way, it was 2020.

Worked on a year in review for 2020. Well, with entries every day, it's taking a while. I'll have to finish it tomorrow.

I'm wondering if I'll make it to midnight, but it's only a half-hour left.

I think that everyone on CNN is drunk :)

Okay, I made it. Happy New Year! Time to finish my wine and crash.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, happy new year, weather, dream, italian

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