
Oct 17, 2020 11:12

Talked to the mobile home manager. They're having a problem with the heater that keeps my pipes from freezing. They'll come by on Tuesday, so I'll need to do some cleaning this weekend. I have a meeting at 1 that day too. Things are stacking up, so I need to be efficient.

Nap time. (I suppose that's not "efficient," but that's my weekend treat.) Had a nice nap and food. I have a headache though.

Ran to Walgreens and picked up a prescription. Went to CVS for my flu shot. They said that they didn't take my insurance and to try across the street (that is, Walgreens). I went back to Walgreens, and they gave me a flu shot, so I can cross that off of the list. Meanwhile, Mom had called, so I thought that I'd call her back sitting in the car in case I got dizzy. Her printer had been in airplane mode and is now working. I felt okay, so I went and got gas and bread and milk.

Lay down for a few minutes and slept through until morning.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

errands, mom, flu shot

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