Cleaning and Coding

Oct 17, 2020 23:37

Woke up a few times but got up at 10:30 AM. Hmm. A friend on Facebook talked about her reaction to the flu shot, so maybe that's why I've been so tired. I do feel a little shaky and have a headache.

Zara's low on meds, so I called them in and will pick them up before work tomorrow.

I just started wondering if I should send Christmas cards this year? Would people need to quarantine them? It takes three days for the virus to die on paper. Everything is so complicated. I was going to send Christmas presents, but the same applies. On the other hand, I've gotten Amazon packages and didn't quarantine them.

I hate to leave my warm bed. I had thought about studying in here. No, I need to go install Java on my computer so that I can program on it. Got Java installed on my laptop, only to find that I couldn't compile because the files are on OneDrive. Had the same problem on my desktop computer, so I copied the files onto my C Drive. Wrote one program. Got the files copied to my OneDrive and a flash drive so that I don't lose them. (I have to hand them in on the remote computer, but it isn't up.)

Did some cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom. Worked on another program. Ran into a snag.

Talked to Mom. She's concerned because she's so wiped out, and she has things that she needs to get done. Otherwise, we talked for an hour about nothing much in particular. Mom can't wait until the election is over, but who knows what will happen then. Oh, and Mom wants to know what I want for Christmas, and I need to figure that out and also where I stashed Mom's and my aunt's presents.

I have a kind of sore throat, so I just had some Clam Chowder and crackers and ice cream. Zara is cleaning out the last remnants from the bowl.

Need to do some more cleaning and more homework and then call it a night. Hmm. I have a sudden urge to lie down. I am really not feeling well (headache, sore throat, sinus pressure).
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, food, mom, christmas, flu shot, classes

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