Some Progress

Oct 12, 2020 00:40

I got up two hours later than I intended. Zara is still snoozing.

Got the laundry put away. Cleaned the oven. Scrubbed the tub. Packed up my work laptop. Dragged my stuff into work.

Came home for dinner (my lunch) early because I was starving! I don't know why. I was getting the shakes.

Called my aunt and gave her the info that I found for medical transport and a hospital bed. Apparently she doesn't think that a hospital bed will fit in her spare room, so she was looking for an adjustable bed. My aunt didn't want to hang up the phone and kept on talking to me.

My instructor for my classes just got access to his email. He said that he's going to his office tomorrow and will figure out what to do about due dates and such with the systems being down last week. But the Web site that we use for our classes isn't up yet.

I preheated the oven to make Hello Fresh, only to find the the smoke alarms went off and there was something burning in there. So I need to clean it out again. And the pull-tab for the soup that I made instead came off. I'm feeling cranky. And Zara really really wanted my grilled cheese.

I think that it's bedtime.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

chores, zara, aargh, auntie a, classes, cooking, cleaning

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