Weather Or Not

Oct 30, 2019 00:38

Zara snuggled in the crook of my legs when I went to sleep last night. She spent the night there. Very sweet.

I keep getting a Facebook ad for an afghan crochet kit in which you get yarn and new stitches every month if you buy a subscription. Someone pointed out that you'd be paying almost $300 to make the afghan. So, no. Pretty afghan though.

I went to call the Jo-Ann Fabrics store about borrowing a sewing machine for the Friday "Learn to Sew" class, only to find that it was canceled. Bah. Udemy has some sewing classes. I might try them because they're cheaper than the store, and I can take them anytime.

Oh crap. The weather forecasters are predicting snow on Thursday. I need to get my snow shovel out of storage. We're getting the dreaded "wintry mix" tonight. Have I mentioned that I hate winter? It's the biggest thing driving me to the South for retirement.

No note from the mobile home park management about the inspection. Need to clean my bathroom tonight anyway.

Because I'm not taking the sewing class in Springfield, I've decided to run errands on Friday close to home, and go down to Springfield the following week to get to the bank.

I decided not to go get cat food because it's raining cold rain, and I'm a wuss. I have to go tomorrow weather or not.

I was reading an article about "how to be disabled and green," and the article mentioned biodegradable poop bags. I use plastic bags for cat waste, but that does kind of bother me. The bags are $0.50 each though. Need to think about it.

I'm tired and cold (hmm, I should make tea), so I'm going to sleep. I need to get up early and clean the bathroom!!! I also need to go get the snow shovel, although now the forecasters are saying an inch or less of snow on Thursday.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

snow, weather, cleaning, sewing, zara, errands, environment, crochet

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