Flexibility, And All That

Oct 28, 2019 00:52

I forgot to mention yesterday that I tried to use my pressure cooker, but it didn't heat up. I don't know what's wrong with it. I've had it for a while, but never have used it before. Bother.

I fed Zara in the bedroom, but she wouldn't get up and go to the food. I had to bring the food to her in bed. Sigh.

I ran late, but I'll have a teleconference in the morning, so the time isn't an issue. I ran and got Zara's meds before work. It's kind of a drag that I'll need to go back to Walmart after work to get milk and eggs, but whatever. I needed to get into work.

I'm hungry, but I don't have my usual food at work, so I ate some peanut butter. I also forgot my flavored water, so I nabbed soda from the car. Flexibility, and all that.

I found a couple of sweaters that I want to crochet when I get good enough. Actually, I found a bunch more plus two basic crocheting books that I requested from the library. (They're books that I might buy, but I'm giving them a trial run first.) I'd love to crochet sweaters.

Bought two mini pies at Walmart along with milk. They were good. Need to go sweep the floor.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, aargh, food, crochet, work

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