Rain, Rain, Go Away

Oct 27, 2019 01:28

Woke up around 9 AM. Decided to close my eyes for a few minutes and woke up at noon.

We're in the middle of a big honking rain storm. I was going to go to the grocery store later this afternoon, but maybe not.

Kitty drama. Zara wanted to come into the kitchen, and Mimi was trying to stop her. I chased Mimi away.

Had a nice nap. I want to make a bite to eat, but Mimi's on my lap. She's nice and warm. Had a bite to eat.

Some of my clothes fell down, and Mimi had been lying on them. I retrieved the clothes and substituted a fuzzy blanket. Mimi is suspicious of the blanket.

Talked to Mom. She's kind of in a draggy mood as am I. She's enjoying Home Chef. We're going to talk about Christmas plans next week (because I need to get a train ticket early).

Talking to Mom convinced me to make my Beefaroni (with veggie "beef"). Wow did it take a long time for the "beef" to brown. Now it's cooking. I'm taking a short break and then sweeping the floor. Well, no, I didn't. The Beefaroni was good.

I should wash the floor and go to bed. I'm debating making some blueberry quick bread first though. No, the macaroni is knocking me out. I do need to clean when I get up, though, because I think that the mobile home park management will be doing inspections this week. I want to scrub the floor and clean the bathroom.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

zara, food, mom, weather, cooking, cleaning, mimi

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