Quiet Day

Sep 13, 2019 23:55

Wow. Slept for 12 hours. Mimi heard me stirring and walked on me, meowing. She calmed down when I got up.

I might not make it to the dentist. I'd make it if they were open their posted hours, but they close early on Friday if they don't have any patients.

There is a fly in here. So far, the girls don't appear to have noticed. The fly appears to like me and keeps landing on me.

Zara is a messy eater. She likes to take a hunk of wet food out of her dish, put it on the top of the freezer, and then eat it, leaving crumbs of food. Thanks, Z.

I have a busy lap this morning. Zara was being extra-snuggly, and now Mimi is on my lap.

I'm going to assume that I won't make it to the dentist and will take a short nap instead.

Overslept my nap and won't make it to the gym. At least I'm well-rested.

Did the dishes. Threw in a load of laundry. Put up a new shower curtain liner. Cleaned the bathroom except for the floor. (I'll sweep and mop it later tonight.) The tub is gleaming.

Threw myself together and went out and got some soda, hand soap, and my meds.

Now I'm sitting for a minute before making the Three Cheese Butternut Squash Lasagna Skillet.

The lasagna was pretty good. Unlike a lot of the Home Chef meals, it would be relatively cheap to make. The lasagna bakes in an oven-safe pan that you used to make the skillet. The recipe had a warning that the pan will be hot when it comes out of the oven, and I rolled my eyes saying "Of course"--when I brushed against the pan and burned myself. Oops.

Hmm. I was going to feed the girls, but they're still hiding because the smoke alarm went off.

I asked Mom for a kitchen island/cart for Christmas, and she agreed "my budding gourmet chef" should have one. It would help a lot because I end up piling stuff on top of each other in here right now.

Trying to decide what to do right now. Maybe work on the bedroom. Or go to sleep.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

christmas, sleep, cooking, cleaning, mimi, errands, zara, aargh, mom, food

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