Label Maker! Cube Organizer!

Sep 07, 2019 23:18

CNBC listed Orlando as the top city for retirement. Tampa was second. I really need to roam around Florida.

It's getting downright cold at night (54 F low). I pulled out my comforter, which I love. It's very soothing and warm.

I've got the label maker! Woo-hoo! It's cute. If I start labeling the cats, you know that I've gone too far.

Feeding time at the zoo: Zara runs around in circles (Mom cracked up over that when she was here) and Mimi goes Mer-RAR.

Kids playing outside: "I need a taxi because I left my phone in a store. I'm calling on my spare phone." A kid came by in a Big Wheel type of thing, so I guess that he was the taxi.

Tried to nap, but couldn't fall asleep. After all the sleep yesterday, I'm not surprised.

I received my Billie razor, so I need to shave my legs somewhere along the line and try it out.

Printed my first label.

I've got the shakes, so I need to eat something. I did.

I'm putting together my six-cube organizer, and I'm taking a break because I'm dripping sweat. Finished putting together the organizer. I like it.

Made the penne pasta with chicken, spinach, and parmesan. It was pretty good, but it had some red pepper in it that was a little too hot.

Called Mom. Kept getting a message saying "all circuits are busy," so I called her cell phone. She's doing okay. She is planning to go to Chicago to see the Downton Abbey movie with my aunt.

Now I'm going to clean for a while before going to bed.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

organizing, weather, cooking, mimi, zara, mom, food, retirement

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