Title: Ennui
fannishlissPrompt: Blue Skies prompt #30: ennui
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part nine of a romance in drabbles: The Doctor contemplates the changes in his relationship with Rose and in himself.
Under his soothing, reverent hand, her breathing evens. She roams the land of dreams and he contemplates her gilded surface, her fragility and her strength.
He’s journeyed the aimless pathways of hero and fool. Now he’s her lover: the universe whirls, metamorphosing from pointlessness to purpose. She’s his lodestar, singer of his song.
She’s sundered his cloak of reticence and fear, unveiling the glory of their potential, exploding his ennui with fireworks of delight. She’s here with him now, and the universe is a field of daisies, an array of diamonds. Life stretches out before them, a grand new adventure.
Tune in tomorrow for the last installment in the series: Freedom.
Road Trip ~
Meadow ~
Sweat ~
Shelter ~
Sultry ~
Storm ~ Ennui ~ Freedom